Lyndsie Dittberner


Lyndsie finds excitement and delight in the opportunity to wear many hats at Agency 50. Creating, collaborating, leading, strategizing, organizing, re-thinking—“doing it all” is her passion. It is her dream to foster a unique work environment that invites individuality, exploration, and creative growth within our truly amazing team.


• Sushi expert
• Always down for karaoke
• Good roasts and comebacks


• PC + console gamer (GG)
• Major foodie
• Wrestling my doberman pinscher


• Winning
• Problem-solving
• Never backing down

Raul Varela


Raul has been a design professional in Dallas, Texas for over 30 years and brings diverse design and business experience to every project he touches. He is also a serial entrepreneur that has helped launch half a dozen successful startups from the ground up in the past 20 years. He is currently cofounder and investor at PICKUP, a contactless, same day delivery service operating over 70 cities nationwide.

Adept in all communications channels from print to digital, his approach is introspective and methodical. Over the years, he has mastered the design and production process, ensuring that deliverables are executed flawlessly and deftly balance strategy with creativity. The result is marketing communication materials that are both intuitive and compelling.


• Granting wishes like a genie
• Crowd pleaser
• History buff


• Bike riding
• Visiting museums
• Training my sidekicks (daughters)


• Mind reading
•Anticipating everything

Levi Ness


Levi wears many hats throughout his day. He brings a unique position to the HB Team—operating with both the creative and analytical sides of his brain. Levi mixes a logic-motivated approach for problem-solving with a robust creative toolbox. This hybridization of skills allows him to have a distinctive vision of tasks and procedures. Strategic planning, design/brand implementation, and development are all part of his daily routine.


• Throwing things
• Making scones
• Scheming


• Beekeeping
• Woodworking
• Traveling


• Playing it cool
• Dodgeball
• Ingenuity

Danielle Shermer


Danielle is a driven marketing and sales professional with fifteen years of proven experience in client acquisition and management—a true creative with vast expertise in creating and implementing marketing strategies for clients over multiple platforms. She is a “big picture” thinker and loves designing and strategizing a plan to optimize all that social media can do for your business. She likes to think this profession in social media “keeps her young.”

Danielle is a people person and “connector” by nature and takes pride in networking with clients, acquaintances, friends, and family.


• Art
• People person
• Yoga


• Peloton
• Her kid’s soccer games
• Travel


• Planning
• Multi-tasking
• A true wiz at reels

Shanice Burgess


Shanice is a light-hearted creative that likes bringing the best out of any brand. Not easily rattled, she enjoys concurring any new challenges that come her way. Regardless if she is doing it alone or with a team, discovering impactful design solutions is her passion. When Shanice is not designing, you can find her excessively doting on her goldfishes and beta fish, or hanging out with family and friends.


• Cunning UNO competitor
• Awkward dancing
• Only knowing the ad-libs to songs


• Fish parent
• Retail therapy enthusiast
• Anime binge-watcher


• The appearance of tranquility
• Perfecting a design layout
• Snacking on the job

Jane Pak


Jane is a creative designer who specializes in logos, branding, web, and informational design. She graduated from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication Design and has over 16 years of experience in the field. When not in front of the computer designing, Jane enjoys watching good movies and tv shows and going on adventures with her little sidekick.


• Good listener
• Keeping it simple
• Multi-tasker


• Escape Room master
• Piano player
• Movie/TV junkie


• Creative problem solver
• Illustrator
• Data visualizer

David Hopson


David was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and began his career in Advertising as an Art Director and eventually became the Creative Director for the largest Hispanic agency in the USA.

To David, music and art have always been in his soul and he is focused on creating strategic marketing ideas, innovative creative concepts, art direction, and design to build brands. Developing highly creative work, inspiring and motivating creative teams, and delivering on-time projects with exceptional production value is the key to success.


• Harmonica wizard
• Bugle boy
• Guitar player


• Painting
• Photography
• Reading


• Winning awards – all of them
• Leading the charge
• Motivating creative teams

Dustin Collins


Dustin brings 15 years of business development and executive-level sales team management. He has led numerous “Napkin to Transaction” initiatives with his vision and ability to take a client’s idea from notes on a napkin to a functioning, profitable operation.

He has demonstrated expertise in cultivating relationships, raising over $60M in funding for public and private clients in eight different industries, and has generated over $500M in revenue. He recently built a sales team for Norwood Energy and won 88 accounts in his first seven months.


• Making people laugh
• Winning in sports
• Cooking great food


• Traveling everywhere
• Dream building
• Studying humanity


• Listening and self-evaluating
• Leadership through empathy
• Sales, sales, and more sales

Jan Lohmann


Jan protects her clients like a cougar. Wrapping them in her protective cape, she deflects marketing jargon, cliches, and vagarities of every kind, ensuring that communication projects thrive, sing with sparkling clarity, and hit their deadline. Spotting trouble before it arrives, Jan leaps into action to focus on a solution. Often she just encourages clients to see through the eyes of their readers. With lots of stakeholders on any given project, those cat-like reflexes result in better communication and trust between client and agency and better outcomes for all.

When she’s not crusading for a client, Jan is organizing and editing content. Her family teases her that she's spotted every typo on every menu and billboard in Texas. It’s a curse, but someone has to bear it.


• Client advocacy
• Finding the client’s voice
• Getting to pinpoint clarity


• Gardening
• Reading WWII novels
• Native American art and culture


• Active listening
• Ghost writing
• Logical thinking

Ryan Herget


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• Granting wishes like a genie
• Crowd pleaser
• History buff


• Bike riding
• Visiting museums
• Training my sidekicks (daughters)


• Mind reading
• Multi-tasking
• The power of friendship

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