Domain Calculator
  • Finding the perfect domain requires a deep understanding of the sites users and what their intentions on the site are.
  • Our fee for domain acquisition is $75 + the cost of the domain. A domain typically ranges from $12 to $500. In rare cases for more unique domains the price of the domain can be dramatically more. The price will be determined by the specific domain and it's selling price.
  • $ 0.00
Website Calculator

    Building a site from scratch requires us to prepare the hosting environment, upload the core/themes/plugins, and set the default settings for the site.

    Adjusting an existing website requires us to discover the existing requirements and understand the extent to our capabilities for changing.

    The builder we work with determines our capabilities and the timing of a project. WordPress Core has the smallest footprint and is not reliant on third-party developers. Divi provides an easier user experience for basic page adjustments.

    Other builders will require more research and experimentation.

  • A page is a unique instance of content that is independent of an archive. A site typically has a minimum of 4: Home, About, Contact, Privacy Policy.

  • A post is a unique instance of content that is dependent on an archive. Examples include: Blog posts, Video archive posts, Products, Press releases, etc.

  • An archive is a unique instance of content that groups individual posts. A site typically has a minimum of 3: Blog Archive, Search Archive, Taxonomy Archive.

  • A custom post type is a unique archive of content separate from posts and pages. A site might want a custom post type like "Portfolio" or "Team" as a way to create an archive of items that is filterable and queryable.

  • A taxonomy is a way to group items in a post type in categories. A site might have a post type like "Team" with a taxonomy of "Job Title" so that a user can filter team members on the front-end by their job title.

  • A custom field is a way to store unique points of data per page. If a page has a template that will always have data displayed in a specific way it may be valuable to create a custom field that will populate that template in an easier way.

    Please select from the following typical custom integrations that we will need to consider when we build this website.

  • There may be extra special features that this site needs and those will require a few more hours to accomplish. Enter that specific value of hours suggested here.

  • This is the estimated amount of hours that this project would take based on the given information.