Make Your Site ADA Compliant Today.
We’ve Made it Easy.

Having an ADA compliant website isn’t just about following the law—it’s about opening your doors to everyone. This includes people with a wide range of disabilities, such as those who are blind, deaf, or have mobility, cognitive, or neurological limitations.

How Non-Compliance Can Hurt Your Business


Legal Headaches

Ignoring the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) might land you in a costly lawsuit or lead to hefty fines that can hurt both your wallet. 


Missed Opportunities

If your site can’t be accessed by people with disabilities, you’re missing out. Inaccessible design excludes millions, and limits your audience potential.


Reputation at Risk

An inaccessible website might give off the impression that you don’t care about all your customers’ needs, which can tarnish your brand image.


Diminished SEO

Search engines look favorably on sites that everyone can use. So, if your site falls short, it might also drop in search rankings. Accessible sites rank higher. 


No Government Contracts

Many government contracts now require websites to be ADA compliant. Fall short and you might miss out on some great opportunities.


Increased Liability

As laws around digital access evolve, the risk of legal issues can grow—potentially costing you more than just legal fees.


Losing the Competitive Edge

Falling behind can put you at a disadvantage. Companies that prioritize accessibility show they care, boosting their social credibility.


Customer Frustration

When users with disabilities can’t access your site, their frustration doesn’t just lead to poor reviews—it can influence others’ decisions too.

A Brief History of Website ADA Compliance


The legal case, National Federation of the Blind versus Target Corporation establishes that websites connected to physical stores must be accessible to all users.


Gil versus Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc., highlights that a lack of website accessibility is like closing your doors to customers in the physical world.


Robles v. Domino’s Pizza LLC, determines that both websites and mobile apps of businesses with physical premises must adhere to ADA standards.

Agency 50: Your Compliance Partner

You Can Trust

We specialize in ensuring your site is aligned with the latest standards, including WCAG 2.1, ADA, Section 508, and IS 5568.


We provide you with solid proof of compliance, giving you peace of mind in case you ever need to demonstrate that your website is up to standard. 

Always On,
Always Monitoring

Our team keeps an eye on your website 24/7, ensuring it stays compliant and accessible to all your visitors at all times.

Let’s make your website a place that
everyone can enjoy, seamlessly.


$650/year for websites under 1,000 pages


Compliance Made Easy

We make sure your website meets standards like the ADA, AODA, EAA, and WCAG, among others.


Assurance of Accessibility

Receive an accessibility statement and a certificate proving your site’s compliance.


Smart Accessibility Tools

Enjoy cutting-edge AI-powered screen readers and keyboard navigation options.


Customizable Accessibility Widget

Easily adjust your site’s UI and design to enhance usability.


Daily Monitoring

Our AI technology constantly checks your site to ensure it stays compliant.


Regular Check-Ups

Receive detailed monthly audits that keep your accessibility on track.


Support When You Need It Most

Our Litigation Support Package offers personalized help and a wealth of documentation should your compliance be questioned.


$1750/year for websites 1,001 to 10,000 pages


Compliance Made Easy

We make sure your website meets standards like the ADA, AODA, EAA, and WCAG, among others.


Your Assurance of Accessibility

Receive an accessibility statement and a certificate proving your site’s compliance.


Smart Accessibility Tools

Enjoy cutting-edge AI-powered screen readers and keyboard navigation options.


Customizable Accessibility Widget

Easily adjust your site’s UI and design to enhance usability.


Daily Monitoring

Our AI technology checks your site every day to ensure it stays compliant.


Regular Check-Ups

Receive detailed monthly audits that keep your accessibility on track.


Support When You Need It Most

Our Litigation Support Package offers personalized help and a wealth of documentation should your compliance be questioned.


Customer Support

We’re always here to help you with any questions or guidance you need.


Detailed Monthly Reports

Get a comprehensive monthly PDF report detailing the adjustments our tools have made to your site.


Team Collaboration Made Simple

Manage user roles and permissions effortlessly, allowing secure team access to your dashboard.


Efficient Multi-Account Management

Handle multiple dashboard accounts under a single user profile, making administration smoother.


Don’t see anything that fits your needs? Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss a more customized approach.